When you’ve been charged with a traffic violation, an experienced ticket attorney is a good friend to have. Mr. Ticket has assembled experienced attorneys to ensure our customers get the highest caliber of service and skill. Our lawyers are knowledgeable in the areas of speeding tickets, suspended licenses, and D.U.I., and it’s our goal to make sure you’re dealt a fair hand in every aspect of your case.
We Are Your Lawyers
Mr. Ticket is not a referral service – we’re a law firm. Unlike many of the other so-called ‘ticket fighting operations’ trying to make a quick buck, we won’t simply toss you to some faceless lawyer and then forget about you. From start to finish, our legal team or one of our affiliated co-counsel will personally handle your case. We’ll see you through the process and make sure you’re satisfied with the services we deliver. And of course, should you have any questions along the way, we’ll always have a live person on hand to answer them, day or night.
No matter where you received your ticket in California, Mr. Ticket will work hard to protect your rights!

Mitchell J. Mehdy, Esq.
Since 1988, Attorney Mitchell J. Mehdy has fought traffic tickets, assisting hundreds of clients per month. Specializing in DMV hearings he has helped many clients retain their licenses after multiple tickets. Mr. Mehdy is the respected traffic ticket expert and has been featured repeatedly in the news media, including on KNSD (Channel 39), KFMB (Channel 8), KGTV (Channel 10), KUSI (Channel 9), KOGO-AM 600, KFMB-760 AM, Union Tribune, and the Los Angeles Times. Attorney Mehdy is the original Mr. Ticket and has 28 years of experience in this field, more than most other traffic ticket attorneys combined. Over the last several years, Mr. Mehdy’s experience has led to a positive and solid working relationship with City Attorneys and District Attorneys throughout San Diego County.

Abel Galvan, Esq.
In 1995, Abel Galván joined Mr. Ticket and has devoted his legal career to fighting traffic tickets and misdemeanors. He has appeared on KFMB (Channel 8) as a traffic ticket expert. Attorney Abel Galván is fluent in Spanish. He attended the University of San Diego and Pepperdine University School of Law where he graduated with honors. Attorney Galvan is the firm’s premier Counsel when it comes to Misdemeanors and traffic matters, having handled over thousands of cases and having countless wins under his belt. Over the last several years, Mr. Galvan’s experience has led to a positive and solid working relationship with City Attorneys and District Attorneys throughout San Diego County.

Amit S. Gundara, Esq.
Attorney Amit S. Gundara has quickly become one of San Diego’s most knowledge attorneys in the field of traffic tickets and minor infractions. Attorney Gundara has acquired a very detailed understanding of the California Vehicle Code and is in San Diego Superior Courts on a regular basis. In the process of becoming one of San Diego’s most recognizable attorneys, Attorney Gundara also expanded his reach and handles tickets in all of Southern California Superior Courts and Counties including Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Kern, Imperial, Santa Barbara, San Bernadino, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo. Over the last several years, Mr. Gundara’s experience has led to a positive and solid working relationship with City Attorneys and District Attorneys throughout San Diego County.